Trigger for failed subscription payment

If a subscription fails to renew, set x amount of days until a trigger is sent through API and/or Webhook. That way we can automatically shut down plugins, websites or whatever we now charge for, if it's not paid for. If paid within x amount of days after trigger has been sent, send new trigger to re-activate plugins, websites or whatever, to give them some sort of slack if it's human error.

Client pays $20/month for video hosting, works for 5 months, month 6 payment fails, client gets notified from whatever notification mail flow we've setup. I've setup that after 10 days after final payment day, the video hosting is cancelled automatically (of course that requires the video hosting to be able to do something like that).

If you're managing multiple clients this will help us keeping track of resources used so we don't pay for clients use with out own funds, etc etc.

I think you grasp the idea now 😁

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πŸ’‘ Feature Request


About 2 months ago



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